Sunday 29 April 2018

See A Podiatrist In Orland Park When Experiencing Pain In The Feet

By Jeffrey Clark

The feet and ankles have a very tough job. They have to bear the weight of the entire body for long periods at a time. They have to absorb the shocks of jumping, running and walking over uneven surfaces. It is no wonder that they are prone to all kinds of problems ranging from fallen arches to the development of various growths that can be very painful. However, with help from a podiatrist in Orland Park problems with the feet and ankles can be resolved quickly.

Podiatrists are medical doctors that specialize in treating conditions related to the feet and ankles. They do treat a very wide variety of injuries to the feet and ankles and they are experienced in removing or treating painful or unsightly growths. It is a demanding job that requires four years of extra training after qualifying as a doctor. The selection process for this training is extremely tough and competitive.

It is a sad fact that the vast majority of patients seeking help from podiatrists only do so when they simply cannot bear the pain or discomfort any longer. As with all other medical conditions, the longer one waits the worse the problem will become. Hoping that a problem will resolve itself is a foolish approach. It is also important to remember that the longer one waits the more invasive and expensive the treatment will have to be.

Another major problem faced by podiatrists is the fact that so many of their patients try to remedy their problems themselves before finally seeking professional help. Many patients suffer from infection because they tried to remove growths by using unsterilised and unsuitable tools. They do not realize that they only make the problem worse. Many others try home remedies or over the counter products, all to no avail.

It is interesting to note that the majority of patients consulting podiatrists are female. This can almost always be ascribed to the damage caused when wearing high heeled shoes for long periods at a time. High heels place unnatural stress on the ankles and almost always squashes the toes into an abnormal position, causing calluses and other growths. Podiatrists advise that high heels should be avoided whenever possible.

Athletes are also prone to injuries to the feet and ankles. Many types of sport require sudden stops, abrupt turns, twisting on the ankles and jumps that place great pressure on the feet. In addition, many athletes do not wear shoes specifically designed for the type of sport that they practise. This means that they do not get the support that they need and the result is all too often an injury such as a sprain.

There is lots of things one can do to prevent injuries to the feet and to make sure that unpleasant growths do not develop. The first and most important step is to keep the feet dry and clean all the time. It is also important to wear shoes that provide some support and that fit properly. Podiatrists also advise their patients to do exercises that strengthen the muscles in the calves and ankles.

The feet work very hard and it is vital to care for them. Wearing shoes that fit properly and that provides support is important. It is also advisable to seek professional help as soon as an injury occurs or pain manifests itself. After all, it is the feet that provides one with the freedom to move.

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