Tuesday 2 July 2019

New And Best Methods Of Data Analysis

By Jessica Hamilton

In our society today, computers are very rampant. We all use computers in almost every activity we have. There are even varieties of such in our generation. In fact we have been very dependent on such technology nowadays. Famos is the best example for the development that made a huge impact to our society.

We are thankful that our lives now are easier when compared to the people of old generation. However, such is not that an advantage if we are to think about it deeply. As a matter of fact, people of old days have their own ways and methods on every situation. We even derived the ideas of improvement from their primitive ways.

We cannot deny that their creative and innovative ideas became the primary basis of our technology these days. If we are to thank our modern tools and technology, I supposed we should address the same to our great ancestors. We need to understand that these inventions were made to exist because of their hardship in living.

Robots and computers are used interchangeably, without the latter the former will not work and the same thing the other way around. As a matter of fact, the former were derived only from the latter but there is a misunderstanding about their names. We all know that robots are only product of computer.

Today, we cannot deny that the existence if robots and computer made a huge impact to our world. It does not only bring us to a more advance generation but I would say that the most important contribution of such is actually the help it gives to people. In almost everything that we do, computers are there always available to help us.

A computer will not work without an operating system. In fact, the latter is considered as the spirit of the former. Without prejudice to the central processing unit which is considered as the heart, and of course power supply as source of its power. Indeed, all electronic devices or almost every machine we possess now requires power to completely work.

For the benefits of those who do not know, FAMOS actually stands for fast analysis and monitoring of signals. This program is used not only by military for their operations but even by civilians in their everyday works. We cannot deny the versatility of these modern inventions. They are the reason why we are called modern generation.

FAMOS means fast analysis and monitoring signals. It lessens the hassle on analyzing and presentation of data, especially in measurement report. Indeed, such creation is a big help to us. The works that appear to be too difficult for our ancestors became too easy for us now.

However, we also have to understand the bad side of such. In fact, all modern tools we have now actually carry a downside. Like when people become too dependent on it and seem to forget the value of hard work. We also have to take into account that such things always go with a price according to their cost of production.

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