Wednesday 24 May 2017

3 Mosquito Myths Debunked By Mosquito Control Long Island Specialists

By David Kellan

There are a few things that you most likely know about mosquitoes. They buzz around, they bite, and tend to be nuisances in general. Despite this being common knowledge, not everything that you've heard has weight to it. As a matter of fact, there are numerous myths that mosquito control Long Island companies will be able to easily debunk. For a better understanding of this, here are just 3 of the myths in question you might have believed in the past.

"All types of mosquitoes can bite you." This is another common mosquito-related myth that deserves to be addressed. While it's true that mosquito bites are a problem, they are only done by females. Meanwhile, the male mosquitoes feed by way of nectar, which is gained from the flowers that grow outside. Even though you should still be aware of your surroundings, this is yet another myth that deserves to have light shed upon it.

"All mosquitoes are capable of carrying diseases." As we've previously learned, female mosquitoes are the only ones that feed on living hosts. What this means is that they're the only ones that can potentially carry and spread diseases. Everything from yellow fever to the West Nile virus falls under this particular umbrella. It's important to note that the only way that mosquitoes themselves can spread illness is by becoming infected themselves. This happens if they feed on a host that has been infected earlier.

"Mosquitoes are repelled by certain foods and beverages." If you think that consuming garlic is going to keep mosquitoes away, you'd be wrong. Mosquito control Long Island companies will tell you that these pests aren't exactly attracted to or repelled by certain foods and drinks. If you want to keep them away, you have to use the right repellent. This may be where reputable authorities such as Alternative Earthcare can come into the picture.

To say that myths exist regarding mosquitoes would be an understatement, especially since the ones discussed earlier are just small pieces of a larger picture. The best way to learn about these pests is by researching them on your own time. Yes, most of what you hear is true. However, inaccuracies will always have a chance of rising to the surface. In simplest terms, the best way not to fall for these myths is by learning.

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