Tuesday 26 July 2016

Be A Football Star Like Steve Cooper

By Karen Hughes

Having the passion for a form of art truly is pretty beautiful. At times like these, you could rarely see people who actually have the decency to preserve what they have done and how they do it. Our attention spans are really low. This must be because of the technology which is make us used to getting instant stuff.

But if ever you actually are one of those few individuals left who think that being passionate about one thing only is the best thing you can do in life then congratulations, you got it all figured out. The only hard part about it is figuring out what you actually wish to achieve in life. Be a football star like Steve Cooper.

For all those football fans out there, you guys probably might have heard of this guy already. This English gentleman was born and raised in his native hometown. It might actually be of a shock to you that he became famous way before our time. He was born on June 22, 1964 and has been kicking balls ever since.

He totally is an inspiration for the aspirants out there. We bet you also want to be a professional one too. Thankfully, it actually is not that hard. What it takes is determination and focus. The very first thing that needs to be done is figure out which position you are comfortable in. It truly is pretty important.

After doing so, you also are required to read the rules for a little bit. Familiarize yourself with the things that you can and cannot do. Being dead weight for the team is not actually going to catapult you into stardom. Yes, those athletes do not have muscles for brains. They actually do some researching too.

Studying alone obviously is never enough. Watching your idols on screen actually can help you learn new tricks and techniques which you could try later during practice. The books do not exactly demonstrate what they are talking about. Seeing it being done is way better because you know how the whole thing looks like.

If ever it could be made possible, convince yourself to undergo training on a regular basis. Not focusing on other things really would grab all your attention to the sport. And in case you did not know, focus leads to winning and excelling at something. It kind of is the key to immediate and sure fire success.

Run or walk as much as you can. This way, even without going to the gym for leg day, your legs never stop feeling and undergoing pressure. It may possibly sound bad for the career, but having strong hinds sure is something to be proud of especially or the kind of sport you currently are playing right now.

The very last thought to consider is never giving up. Just like the game, life has a way of kicking you down. Sometimes, you have not even gotten the chance to get back up yet and it already sends you stumbling down. That feeling really sucks. But what sucks more is having the fact at the back of your mind that you did not try harder.

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