Monday 25 July 2016

When To Consider An Acid Reflux Surgeon Morrilton AR

By Angela Butler

Heartburn are common to almost everybody. However, some people experience severe heartburn which require proper medical attention. This condition is technically referred as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If this condition is so severe, Acid Reflux surgeon Morrilton AR, may recommend that you have Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery. In medical terms, a heartburn is not only a digestive problem but a symptom of GERD.

This condition develops when there is a back up as well as reflux of stomach acids to the esophagus. This causes a heartburn typified by severe burning sensations around the mid section of the ribs or simply the region under the neck. These burning sensations may radiate to the chest, throat and to the neck. Other additional signs may include regurgitation or simply vomiting, chronic coughs as well as swallowing difficulties.

Food travels to the stomach through the tube known as the esophagus. The esophagus contains muscle at the bottom end known as esophageal sphincter which acts as the valve to allow food to pass through into the stomach. The valve is one way and closes immediately once the food is swallowed ensure there is no back flow of the stomach juices rich high acid contents. The gastroesophageal reflux disease arises if this valve does not function well allowing acid to get back into the esophagus. The back flow of acid and stomach juices inflames and irritates the esophagus, causing heartburns and may eventually damage the gullet.

A number of factors lead to GERD. For example, some individuals may naturally have a weak sphincter from birth. Nonetheless, other aspects can be contributing factors to this condition. Fatty and Spicy foods, smoking, some medications, drinking alcohol, vigorous exercise, tight clothing as well as changing the body position for instance lying down can lead to relaxation of the sphincter resulting in the flux.

Different approaches are used in managing the gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, if such approaches are not effective, surgery is considered as a better treatment option. Surgical therapy becomes the option if symptoms persist while necessary medical therapy is still offered or following personal preference. Personal preference is usually considered by people who want to avoid taking acid suppression medication or have side effects from taking such medications.

The other healing technique is a lifestyle change. Usually, this is the primary approach and require behavioral as well as lifestyle changes. Such changes to be considered involve weight loss, low intake of caffeine and alcohol, abstaining from smoking and keep away from carbonated drinks, spicy and acidic foods, and elevation of the head when sleeping.

If such changes do not seem to offer relief or the symptoms persist, medication approach may be considered which are aimed at reducing acids. Such medications may include histamine H2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors. Although such medications may not prevent back flow from occurring, they are effective in reducing acid in the gastric fluid.

Failure of lifestyle changes or medication would lead to a recommendation of antireflux surgery by a physician. Several tests are performed preceding the surgery to determine the suitability of the patient for the procedure. The test identifies any evidence of a back-flow, relates the symptoms and the back-flow as well as diseases elsewhere that can be causing such symptoms.

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