Sunday 23 June 2019

Eliminating Wrinkles And Fine Lines Using Laser Skin Tightening Portland

By Betty Morris

The skin of an adult measures 2 square meters and 8 pounds. It covers the head all the way to the toe. There is no area of the body that does not have skin. It keeps all the internal organs inside the body. It is one of the external organs. The others are ears, nose, and eyes. With time, there will be some looseness and flakiness as a result of aging. This will result in fine lines and wrinkles. These problems can be effectively fought using laser skin tightening Portland, Oregon. This medical procedure has a high success rate.

Laser light is a modern invention. It has been around for less than a hundred years. However, it has done a lot as far as revolutionizing medicine is concerned. It is used in dental procedures such as root canal procedure. A dermatologist will also use this light to facilitate younger looking face that is free of wrinkles, pimples, and other undesirable problems.

Laser light applies heat on the skin. The reason why laser light is effective and other lights such as UV light are not effective is because it is highly focused. It will focus energy on a particular area of the face or the body. It will get to the root cause of a skin problem and subsequently solve it.

Collagen is what makes the face to be tight and smooth. With aging, the production of collagen slows down. This is an important protein in the body. Laser light will end up boosting the production of collagen. As a result of the production of more collagen, the face will become younger. Wrinkles will be eliminated with the progression of time.

Not all lasers are created equal. What might work on the stomach will not necessary work on the face. Therefore, the area of the body that has to be tightened has to be considered. Also the color and tone of the face has to be put into consideration. Results will start being seen as early as one month.

Laser light treatment is non-invasive in nature. The skin will not have to be torn using a scalpel. For the case of surgery, a patient will need to face the scalpel. Before that is done, anesthesia is administered so that an individual does not feel any pain. The use of anesthesia has risks. Surgery also has a long recovery time.

There are different types of laser treatments. All of them have unique brand names. The market of laser treatments has many players. However, all these treatments can be classified into three broad classes. These are radio frequency, ultrasound, and micro needling laser treatments. The number one laser treatment is ultrasound treatment. That is because it goes to a deeper level of the skin.

Laser treatment does not take long. At the minimum, it will take 45 minutes. At the maximum, it will take 90 minutes. Thus, it can be done after work or during the lunch break. It needs to be administered by a board certified dermatologist in a recognized clinic. There is zero recovery time after the laser treatment.

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