Sunday 23 June 2019

How To Live A Whole Healthy Happy Life

By Joyce Edwards

Aristotle summarized human existence as pursuit for happiness. The problem is that a lot of people are working tirelessly to achieve this state but it remains elusive. The situation gets complex when you realize that happiness for one person differs from that of another. Is it possible to live a whole healthy happy life in the world today? Well, here are tips that will get you closer to happiness in life.

Work towards personal inner peace. Everything you will ever do to the world or other people will depend on the state of your heart. A heart that is at pains, anxious and holding grudges with people can never achieve happiness. Reconcile with friends, family, past and entities around you. This takes away a huge burden off your life and allows you to be happy.

Make attempt to be social. Share in the happiness of other people. Let them join you when you are celebrating. This takes your mind off stressful thoughts. It also helps you to build beautiful memories with people around you. Share your concerns and anxieties with family members, friends and persons within your circles. A social person lightens his or her burden of life by sharing it with other people.

Adapt a different path in your existence. Develop a new routine instead of waking up every day and doing the same thing you are used to. Routines can be boring and even tiring, regardless of how plush they feel. Look for new people, places and activities. You will awaken a part of you that you never thought existed. You also engage all your senses in different experiences.

Explore your spirituality. This is not for everybody but the few who explore the possibility have gotten excellent rewards. Begin by attending religious or spiritual activities. Over time you begin to offer your time and skills. This commitment and the engagements that come with it make you a happier person. You begin to work and think of other entities beyond yourself. Your life becomes about the bigger picture.

Exercise the body, mind, soul and all aspects of your life. Physical exercise makes you happier through a manageable body. Do not target advanced programs, equipment and coaches. You only need light exercises like walking or lifting items around the house. Go to the park and appreciate what nature has to offer. The exercises should extend to the mind and soul.

Remove all clutter from your life. Your room should be organized and so should your desk, bag, computer and schedule, among other elements of life. Order helps you get into a routine and therefore achieve more. Drop people and thoughts that are not profitable. You enjoy more time with people who are valuable in your life. Do not entertain emotional baggage because it is as dangerous and will take away your happiness.

Pamper yourself and take care of your body. There is no happiness if you are hungry or are aching. Eat healthy foods, learn to relax and even take vacations to places that are exciting. Enjoy moments in the sun and breathe the fresh morning bliss. Happiness comes from a complex combination and is pursued relentlessly.

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