Tuesday 28 June 2016

A Kent WA Chiropractor Alleviates Personal Injury Pain Using Spinal Adjustments

By Nelson Clodfelter

Any pain that is chronic will negatively impact a person's life. It is sometimes connected to the natural aging process. At times, it may be due to carelessness. However, many suffering from pain have been harmed by a serious personal injury caused by another person. Kent chiropractic is available to provide help regardless of the cause of the hurting.

Perhaps someone failed to stop at an intersection and crashed into your car. A rear end collision, even at a low speed, can cause a very painful whiplash injury. Perhaps a surgeon was inattentive and caused harm. Or, during a fight, someone pushed you down and hurt your back.

You may want to see an attorney to take legal action against whoever hurt you. The medical record a chiropractor keeps detailing your care will be helpful if you do. The care, although successful at alleviating the pain, cannot erase the hurt and stress you have endured.

A chiropractic appointment begins with a discussion of what caused your pain in the first place. You will be asked to describe how it feels and how it impacts your life. You are examined and an x-ray may be taken. The chiropractor focuses on spinal care and rehabilitation to achieve pain relief.

If the spine is damaged, it can cause pain in any part of your body. That is because all the nerve roots are located in the spinal cord. The pain will be traceable to one or more of the vertebrae. These are the small bones that encase and protect the spinal cord. Whiplash can be traced to a subluxation of the cervical vertebrae.

Following a thorough assessment of your injury, a plan for your care will be recommended. It often includes spinal adjustments. These can be administered in the traditional way, which is a series of thrusting motions delivered as the body is in a specific position. In some cases, spinal mobilization is used. There are times when a combination of both is the appropriate way to alleviate the pain you are suffering.

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