Saturday 16 July 2016

How A Knox County Chiropractor Helps Back And Disc Pain Naturally

By James John

Your back is flexible because of the series of small bones that it is composed of. Between these bones, called vertebrae, lie spongy discs that act to absorb the shock as you move. They make a wide range of movement possible. Without them, the bones would rub against each other and make movement painful. If one of these discs is herniated, pain relief is available at Knox County Chiropractic.

A disc does not slip. It becomes herniated and a portion bulges out between two of the vertebrae. The disc is composed of a tough outer shell that is filled with a gel-like semi liquid substance. When there is a subluxation, that is a misalignment, of the spine, the pressure causes part of the disc to extrude from between the bones.

Two obvious reasons for a herniated disc are a fall from a ladder or a car crash. However, something as insignificant as bending over awkwardly can be the reason. Very poor posture and being overweight can also be blamed.

The pain is the result of pressure against one or more of the nerve roots that are located in the delicate spinal cord. Chiropractic spinal adjustments return the misaligned vertebrae to the correct position. This relieves that pressure and with that reduction the pain is alleviated.

Your care cannot begin until a full evaluation of your condition is made. There are strength, range of motion tests and assessment of posture. Your spine is palpated and an x-ray is done. You describe the pain, how it limits your activities and how it may have started.

If you have a condition that should not be cared for with chiropractic methods, you will be referred to another professional. After the decision is made that you are an appropriate candidate for chiropractic adjustments, a plan is made for your care. Spinal adjustments may be the optimal care.

A course of spinal adjustments may be supplemented by exercises, nutritional advice and posture correction if applicable. A series of office appointments are scheduled for care to be administered. The goal is pain reduction and a possible return to work. Nothing occurs immediately and relief will be gained incrementally.

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